Saturday, May 27, 2023


The Holy Quran 


1. How many Sura are in Holy Quran?

2. How many Verses are in Holy Quran?

3. How many dots are in Holy Quran?

4. How many over bar (zaber) are in Holy Quran?

5. How many under bar (Zaer) are in Holy Quran?

6. How many Raque are in Holy Quran?

7. How many stop (Waqf) are in Holy Quran?

8. How many Thashdeed are in Holy Quran?

9. How many letters are in Holy Quran ?

10 How many pash are in Holy Quran?

11. How many Madd are in Holy Quran?

12 How many words are in Holy Quran?

13 How many parts of Holy Quran?

14 How many time Besmillah Al-Rahmaan Al-Raheem is repeated?

15 How many Sura start with Besmillah Al-Rahmaan Al-Raheem?

16 How many time the word 'Quran' is repeated in Holy Quran?

17 Which is the longest Sura of Holy Quran?

18 Which is the best drink mentioned in Holy Quran ?

19 The best eatable thing mentioned in Holy Quran is?

20 Which is the shortest Sura of Holy Quran?

21 The longest verse of Holy Quran is in which Sura?
Al-Baqarah No.282

22 The most disliked thing by the God though Halal is ?

23 Which letter is used for the most time in Holy Quran.?

24 Which letter is used for the lest time in Holy Quran?

25 Which is the best night mentioned in Holy Quran?
Night of Qadar.

26 Which is the best month mentioned in Holy Quran?

27 Which is the biggest animal mentioned in Holy Quran?

28 Which is the smallest animal mentioned in Holy Quran?

29 How many words are in the longest Sura of Holy Quran?

30 How many words are in the smallest Sura of Holy Quran?

31 Which Sura of Holy Quran is called the mother of Quran?
Sura Hamd

32 How many Sura start with Al-Hamdullelah ?
Five Hamd, Inaam, Kahf, Saba & Fatr.

33 Which Sura has the same number of verses as the number of Sura of Holy Quran?
Taqveer, 114 verses.

34 How many Sura's name is only one letter?
Three, Qaf, Sad & Noon.

35 How many Sura start with word " Inna"?
Four sura-Fatha, Nuh,Qadr, Qausar.

36 Which Sura has the number of its verses equal to the number of Masumeen?
Saf, 14 verses.

37 Which sura are called Musabbahat?
Esra, Hadeed, Hsar, Juma, Taghabun & Aala.

38 How many sura are Makkahi and how many are Madni?
Macc 86, Madni 28.

39 Which sura is on the name of tribe of Holy Prophet?

40 Which sura is called the heart of Holy Quran?

41 In which sura the name of Allah is repeated five time?
Sura al-Haj.

42 Which sura are named Azalam ?
Sajdah, Fusselat, Najum & Alaq.

43 Which sura is on the name of one Holy war ?
Sura Ahzaab.

44 Which sura is on the name of one metal ?
Sura Hadeed

45 Which sura does not starts with Bismellah?
Sura Tauba.

46 Which sura is called' Aroos-ul-Quran ? 
Sura Rehman.

47 Which sura is considered as 1/3 of holy Quran?
Sura tauheed.

49 The name of how many sura are with out dot?
Hamd, Raad, Toor, Room, Masad.

49 In which sura Besmillah came twice?
Sura Naml.

50 How many sura start with the Initials (Mukette'at)
29 Sura.

51 Which Sura was revealed twice?
Sura Hamd.

52 In which Sura the back biter are condemned?
Sura Humzah.

53 In which Sura the name of Allah is repeated in every verse?
Sura Mujadala.

54 In which Sura the letter 'Fa' did not come ?

55 Which Sura are called Muzetain ?
Falk & Nas.

56 Which are those Sura if their name are reversed remain the same?
Lael & Tabbat.

57 Which is that Sura if its first letter is remove becomes the name of one of the city of Saudi Arab?

58 Which Sura start with word 'Tabara Kallazi
Mulk & Furkan

59Macci Sura were revealed in how many years ?
13 years

60 Madani Sura were revealed in how many years?
10 years.

61 Which Sura is related to Hazrat Ali ?
Sura Adiat.

62 How many Sura are in 30th. Chapter ?

63 Which sura every verse ends with letter 'Dal'?

64 Which Sura is revealed in respect of Ahllelbayet?
Sura Dahr.

65 Which sura every verse ends with letter' Ra'? 

66 In which sura the creation of human being is mentioned?
Sura Hijr V-26.

67 In which sura the regulations for prisoner of war is mentioned?
Sura Nesa

68Which sura is having the laws about marriage?
Sura Nesa.

69 Which sura if its name is reversed becomes the name of one bird?
Sura Room.

70 In which sura the story of the warship of cow of Bani Esra'iel is mentioned ?
Sura Taha.

72 In which sura the law of inheritance is mentioned?
Sura Nesa.

73 In which sura the Hegira of Holy Prophet is mentioned ?
Sura Infall.

74 In which Sura the 27 Attributes of God are mentioned?
Sura Hadeed

Monday, May 15, 2023



Parents have four major roles to play in the Life of their Children.



We must instruct our Children:
▪️To behave well in public.
▪️To rise up early each day.
▪️To pray first thing as they rise.
▪️To be the first to greet people.
▪️To clean up themselves properly.
▪️To clean their environment.
▪️To be early and timely to every daily tasks.
▪️To be orderly.
▪️To be respectful to people.
▪️To speak in decent language.
▪️To organise themselves.
▪️To plan their schedules.
▪️To have their daily timetable off hand.
▪️To comport themselves in quietness.
▪️To be articulate, reasonable and expectant.
▪️To ask questions when in doubt.
▪️To listen carefully with understanding.
▪️To act with decorum, courtesy and humility always.
▪️To defend the family name and image at all times.
▪️To obey elders, set rules and regulations.
▪️To pray before retiring to bed at night.


We must Reprimand our Children:
▪️When they portray laziness.
▪️When they appear dirty.
▪️When they're insolent.
▪️When they speak foul languages.
▪️When they speak improperly.
▪️When they sit carelessly.
▪️When they participate in unsolicited discussions.
▪️When they come late to appointments or tasks.
▪️When they talk back to elders.
▪️When you notice pride in them.
▪️When they become spendthrift.
▪️When they eat irregularly.
▪️When they cannot control their appetite.
▪️When you notice ostentatious lifestyle in them.
▪️When they think about materialism always.
▪️When they unnecessarily compare themselves with others.
▪️When they speak abusively of other parents or elders or mates.
▪️When you notice the spirit of hatred​ in them.
▪️When they make hate speeches.
▪️When they Compla├оn about others.
▪️When they are in the company of suspicious characters.
▪️When they are not extolling learning.
▪️When they speak ill of their teachers/Apas at home.
▪️When they discredit their school/Madrassah.
▪️When they plan to revenge or retaliate against actions.
▪️When they refuse to obey authority.
▪️When they fail to pray.


Parents must Praise their Children :
▪️When they do well in assignments and exams, especially  in Madrassah.
▪️When they are properly dressed.
▪️When they speak well in public.
▪️When they speak well of their institutions and teachers.
▪️When they speak well of others.
▪️When they express values of Taqwa.
▪️When they always talk about good.
▪️When they spend more time with the Qur'aan. ▪️When they spend less time talking.
▪️When they spend more time listening.
▪️When they read Salaah on time.
▪️When they spend less time playing.
▪️When they know what to do.
▪️When they know what is right.
▪️When they refuse to do what is wrong.
▪️When their ambition is to be the best in good endeavours.
▪️When they speak of becoming Great People.
▪️When they take action that meets good vision.


Parents must Teach their Children :
▪️How to live honest lifes.
▪️How to live amongst people.
▪️How to live in comfort with others.
▪️How to love and appreciate others.
▪️How to be fair to all concerned.
▪️How to love those in authority over them.
▪️How to obey rules and regulations.
▪️How to live in dignity and self esteem.
▪️How to plan their future.
▪️How proper Islamic education and understanding the Qur'aan answers to all of life's challenges.
▪️How to escape from bad friendship.
▪️How to pass through life successfully by depending on Allah (я╖╗) and not man.
▪️How to pass examinations without malpractice.
▪️How to be studious and build their brains.
▪️How to set standards for now and their future.
▪️How to have a vision for Jannah...
▪️How to Love Allah (я╖╗)
▪️How to live in fear of ├Вll─Бh (я╖╗)

When we play these roles, our Children by the grace of Allah (я╖╗) will come out great and we the Parents will benefit in our old age and Qabr.

рокெро▒்ро▒ோро░ாроХ роироородு рокроЩ்роХு

рокெро▒்ро▒ோро░்роХро│் родроЩ்роХро│் роХுро┤рои்родைроХро│ிрой் ро╡ாро┤்роХ்роХைропிро▓் роиாрой்роХு рооுроХ்роХிроп рокாрод்родிро░роЩ்роХро│ை ро╡роХிроХ்роХ ро╡ேрог்роЯுроо்.

1 роЕро▒ிро╡ுро▒ுрод்родро▓் рокாрод்родிро░роЩ்роХро│்.
2 роХрог்роЯிрок்рокு рокாрод்родிро░роЩ்роХро│்.
3 роЙрокродேроЪ рокாрод்родிро░роЩ்роХро│்
4 роХро▓்ро╡ிрок் рокாрод்родிро░роЩ்роХро│்.

1. роЕро▒ிро╡ுро▒ுрод்родро▓் рокாрод்родிро░роЩ்роХро│்.

роиாроо் роироо் роХுро┤рои்родைроХро│ுроХ்роХு роЕро▒ிро╡ுро▒ுрод்род ро╡ேрог்роЯுроо்:
▪️рокொродு роЗроЯрод்родிро▓் роирой்ро▒ாроХ роироЯрои்родு роХொро│்ро│ ро╡ேрог்роЯுроо்.
▪️роТро╡்ро╡ொро░ு роиாро│ுроо் роЪீроХ்роХிро░роо் роОро┤ுрои்родிро░ுроЩ்роХро│்.
▪️роЕро╡ро░்роХро│் роОро┤ுрои்родро╡ுроЯрой் рооுродро▓ிро▓் роЬெрокிроХ்роХ ро╡ேрог்роЯுроо்.
▪️роороХ்роХро│ுроХ்роХு рооுродро▓ிро▓் ро╡ாро┤்род்родு роХூро▒ுро╡родு.
▪️родроЩ்роХро│ை роЪро░ிропாроХ роЪுрод்родроо் роЪெроп்родு роХொро│்ро│.
▪️роЕро╡ро░்роХро│ிрой் роЪுро▒்ро▒ுрок்рокுро▒род்родை роЪுрод்родроо் роЪெроп்роп.
▪️роТро╡்ро╡ொро░ு родிройроЪро░ி рокрогிроХро│ைропுроо் рооுрой்роХூроЯ்роЯிропே рооро▒்ро▒ுроо் роЪро░ிропாрой роиேро░род்родிро▓் роЪெроп்роп ро╡ேрог்роЯுроо்.
▪️роТро┤ுроЩ்роХாроХ роЗро░ுроХ்роХ ро╡ேрог்роЯுроо்.
▪️роороХ்роХро│ிроЯроо் рооро░ிропாродைропாроХ роЗро░ுроХ்роХ ро╡ேрог்роЯுроо்.
▪️роХрог்рогிропрооாрой рооொро┤ிропிро▓் рокேроЪ ро╡ேрог்роЯுроо்.
▪️родроЩ்роХро│ை роТро┤ுроЩ்роХрооைроХ்роХ.
▪️роЕро╡ро░்роХро│ிрой் роЕроЯ்роЯро╡рогைроХро│ைрод் родிроЯ்роЯрооிроЯ.
▪️роЕро╡ро░்роХро│ிрой் родிройроЪро░ி роХாро▓ роЕроЯ்роЯро╡рогைропை роХைропிро▓் роОроЯுроХ்роХாрооро▓் роЗро░ுроХ்роХ ро╡ேрог்роЯுроо்.
▪️роЕрооைродிропிро▓் родроЩ்роХро│ை роЗрогைрод்родுроХ் роХொро│்ро│.
▪️родெро│ிро╡ாроХро╡ுроо், роиிропாропрооாроХро╡ுроо், роОродிро░்рокாро░்рок்рокுроЯройுроо் роЗро░ுроХ்роХ ро╡ேрог்роЯுроо்.
▪️роЪрои்родேроХрод்родிро▓் роХேро│்ро╡ிроХро│் роХேроЯ்роХ.
▪️роЙрогро░்ро╡ோроЯு роХро╡ройрооாроХроХ் роХேроЯ்рокродு.
▪️роОрок்рокொро┤ுродுроо் роЕро▓роЩ்роХாро░роо், рооро░ிропாродை рооро▒்ро▒ுроо் рокрогிро╡ுроЯрой் роЪெропро▓்рокроЯ ро╡ேрог்роЯுроо்.
▪️роОро▓்ро▓ா роиேро░роЩ்роХро│ிро▓ுроо் роХுроЯுроо்рокрок் рокெропро░ைропுроо் рокроЯрод்родைропுроо் рокாродுроХாроХ்роХ.
▪️рооூрок்рокро░்роХро│ுроХ்роХுроХ் роХீро┤்рок்рокроЯிроп, ро╡ிродிроХро│் рооро▒்ро▒ுроо் роТро┤ுроЩ்роХுрооுро▒ைроХро│ை роЕрооைроХ்роХро╡ுроо்.
▪️роЗро░ро╡ிро▓் родூроЩ்роХுро╡родро▒்роХு рооுрой் роЬெрокிроХ்роХ ро╡ேрог்роЯுроо்.

2. роХрог்роЯிрок்рокு рокாрод்родிро░роЩ்роХро│்

роиாроо் роироо் роХுро┤рои்родைроХро│ை роХрог்роЯிроХ்роХ ро╡ேрог்роЯுроо்:
▪️роЕро╡ро░்роХро│் роЪோроо்рокேро▒ிрод்родройрод்родை роЪிрод்родро░ிроХ்роХுроо் рокோродு.
▪️роЕро╡ро░்роХро│் роЕро┤ுроХ்роХாроХрод் родோрой்ро▒ுроо் рокோродு.
▪️роЕро╡ро░்роХро│் роЗро┤ிро╡ாроХ роЗро░ுроХ்роХுроо்рокோродு.
▪️роЕро╡ро░்роХро│் роХெроЯ்роЯ рооொро┤ிроХро│ைрок் рокேроЪுроо்рокோродு.
▪️роЕро╡ро░்роХро│் родро╡ро▒ாроХ рокேроЪுроо்рокோродு.
▪️роЕро╡ро░்роХро│் роХро╡ройроХ்роХுро▒ைро╡ாроХ роЙроЯ்роХாро░ுроо் рокோродு.
▪️роЕро╡ро░்роХро│் роХோро░рок்рокроЯாрод ро╡ிро╡ாродроЩ்роХро│ிро▓் рокроЩ்роХேро▒்роХுроо் рокோродு.
▪️роЕро╡ро░்роХро│் роЪрои்родிрок்рокு роЕро▓்ро▓родு рокрогிроХро│ுроХ்роХு родாроородрооாроХ ро╡ро░ுроо்рокோродு.
▪️роЕро╡ро░்роХро│் рокெро░ிропро╡ро░்роХро│ிроЯроо் родிро░ுроо்рок рокேроЪுроо்рокோродு.
▪️роЕро╡ро▒்ро▒ிро▓் рокெро░ுрооைропை роиீроЩ்роХро│் роХро╡ройிроХ்роХுроо்рокோродு.
▪️роЕро╡ро░்роХро│் роЪெро▓ро╡ро┤ிроХ்роХுроо்рокோродு.
▪️роЕро╡ро░்роХро│் роТро┤ுроЩ்роХро▒்ро▒ рооுро▒ைропிро▓் роЪாрок்рокிроЯுроо் рокோродு.
▪️роЕро╡ро░்роХро│ாро▓் рокроЪிропைроХ் роХроЯ்роЯுрок்рокроЯுрод்род рооுроЯிропாрод рокோродு.
▪️роЕро╡ро░்роХро│ிро▓் роЖроЯроо்рокро░рооாрой ро╡ாро┤்роХ்роХை рооுро▒ைропை роиீроЩ்роХро│் роХро╡ройிроХ்роХுроо்рокோродு.
▪️роЕро╡ро░்роХро│் роОрок்рокோродுроо் рокொро░ுро│்рооுродро▓்ро╡ாродрод்родைрок் рокро▒்ро▒ி роиிройைроХ்роХுроо் рокோродு.
▪️родேро╡ைропிро▓்ро▓ாрооро▓் рооро▒்ро▒ро╡ро░்роХро│ுроЯрой் родроЩ்роХро│ை роТрок்рокிроЯ்роЯுрок் рокாро░்роХ்роХுроо் рокோродு.
▪️роЕро╡ро░்роХро│் рооро▒்ро▒ рокெро▒்ро▒ோро░் роЕро▓்ро▓родு рокெро░ிропро╡ро░்роХро│் роЕро▓்ро▓родு родுрогைропை родро╡ро▒ாроХ рокேроЪுроо் рокோродு.
▪️роЕро╡ро░்роХро│ிроЯроо் ро╡ெро▒ுрок்рокு роЙрогро░்ро╡ை роиீроЩ்роХро│் роХро╡ройிроХ்роХுроо்рокோродு.
▪️роЕро╡ро░்роХро│் ро╡ெро▒ுроХ்роХрод்родроХ்роХ рокேроЪ்роЪுроХро│ை рокேроЪுроо்рокோродு.
▪️роЕро╡ро░்роХро│் рооро▒்ро▒ро╡ро░்роХро│ைрок் рокро▒்ро▒ி рокுроХாро░் роЪெроп்ропுроо் рокோродு.
▪️роЕро╡ро░்роХро│் роЪрои்родேроХрод்родிро▒்роХிроЯрооாрой роХродாрокாрод்родிро░роЩ்роХро│ிрой் роиிро▒ுро╡ройрод்родிро▓் роЗро░ுроХ்роХுроо்рокோродு.
▪️роЕро╡ро░்роХро│் роХро▒்ро▒ро▓ைрок் рокோро▒்ро▒ாродрокோродு.
▪️роЕро╡ро░்роХро│் ро╡ீроЯ்роЯிро▓் родроЩ்роХро│் роЖроЪிро░ிропро░்роХро│்/роЕрокாро╕் рокро▒்ро▒ி родро╡ро▒ாроХ рокேроЪுроо் рокோродு.
▪️роЕро╡ро░்роХро│் родроЩ்роХро│் рокро│்ро│ி/роород்ро░ро╕ாро╡ை роЗро┤ிро╡ுрокроЯுрод்родுроо் рокோродு.
▪️роЕро╡ро░்роХро│் рокро┤ிро╡ாроЩ்роХ роЕро▓்ро▓родு рокро┤ிро╡ாроЩ்роХрод் родிроЯ்роЯрооிроЯுроо் рокோродு.
▪️роЕро╡ро░்роХро│் роЕродிроХாро░род்родிро▒்роХு роХீро┤்рок்рокроЯிроп рооро▒ுроХ்роХுроо் рокோродு.
▪️роЕро╡ро░்роХро│் роЬெрокிроХ்роХрод் родро╡ро▒ுроо்рокோродு.

3. роЙрокродேроЪ рокாрод்родிро░роЩ்роХро│்

рокெро▒்ро▒ோро░்роХро│் родроЩ்роХро│் роХுро┤рои்родைроХро│ைрок் рокாро░ாроЯ்роЯ ро╡ேрог்роЯுроо்:
▪️роЕро╡ро░்роХро│் рокрогி рооро▒்ро▒ுроо் родேро░்ро╡ுроХро│ிро▓் роЪிро▒рок்рокாроХ роЪெропро▓்рокроЯுроо் рокோродு, ​​роХுро▒ிрок்рокாроХ роородро░ро╕ாро╡ிро▓்.
▪️роЕро╡ро░்роХро│் роТро┤ுроЩ்роХாроХ роЙроЯைропрогிрои்родிро░ுроХ்роХுроо் рокோродு.
▪️рокொродுро╡ிро▓் роЕро╡ро░்роХро│் роирой்ро▒ாроХ рокேроЪுроо் рокோродு.
▪️роЕро╡ро░்роХро│் родроЩ்роХро│் роиிро▒ுро╡ройроЩ்роХро│் рооро▒்ро▒ுроо் роЖроЪிро░ிропро░்роХро│ைрок் рокро▒்ро▒ி роирой்ро▒ாроХрок் рокேроЪுроо்рокோродு.
▪️роЕро╡ро░்роХро│் рооро▒்ро▒ро╡ро░்роХро│ைрок் рокро▒்ро▒ி роирой்ро▒ாроХрок் рокேроЪுроо்рокோродு.
▪️роЕро╡ро░்роХро│் родроХ்ро╡ாро╡ிрой் роородிрок்рокுроХро│ை ро╡ெро│ிрок்рокроЯுрод்родுроо் рокோродு.
▪️роЕро╡ро░்роХро│் роОрок்рокோродுроо் роиро▓்ро▓родைрок் рокро▒்ро▒ி рокேроЪுроо்рокோродு.
▪️роЕро╡ро░்роХро│் роХுро░்роЖройுроЯрой் роЕродிроХ роиேро░роо் роЪெро▓ро╡ிроЯுроо் рокோродு.  ▪️роЕро╡ро░்роХро│் рокேроЪுро╡родро▒்роХு роХுро▒ைрои்род роиேро░род்родை роЪெро▓ро╡ிроЯுроо் рокோродு.
▪️роЕро╡ро░்роХро│் роХேроЯ்рокродро▒்роХு роЕродிроХ роиேро░роо் роЪெро▓ро╡ிроЯுроо்рокோродு.
▪️роЕро╡ро░்роХро│் роЪро░ிропாрой роиேро░род்родிро▓் ро╕ро▓ாро╣் роУродுроо்рокோродு.
▪️роЕро╡ро░்роХро│் ро╡ிро│ைропாроЯுро╡родро▒்роХு роХுро▒ைрои்род роиேро░род்родை роЪெро▓ро╡ிроЯுроо்рокோродு.
▪️роОрой்рой роЪெроп்ро╡родு роОрой்ро▒ு роЕро╡ро░்роХро│ுроХ்роХுрод் родெро░ிрои்родாро▓்.
▪️роЕро╡ро░்роХро│ுроХ்роХு роОродு роЪро░ி роОрой்ро▒ு родெро░ிропுроо் рокோродு.
▪️роЕро╡ро░்роХро│் родро╡ро▒ு роЪெроп்роп рооро▒ுроХ்роХுроо் рокோродு.
▪️роиро▓்ро▓ рооுропро▒்роЪிроХро│ிро▓் роЪிро▒рои்родு ро╡ிро│роЩ்роХ ро╡ேрог்роЯுроо் роОрой்рокродே роЕро╡ро░்роХро│ிрой் ро▓роЯ்роЪிропрооாроХ роЗро░ுроХ்роХுроо் рокோродு.
▪️роЕро╡ро░்роХро│் рокெро░ிроп рооройிродро░்роХро│ாроХ рооாро▒ுро╡родைрок் рокро▒்ро▒ி рокேроЪுроо்рокோродு.
▪️роиро▓்ро▓ рокாро░்ро╡ைропை роЪрои்родிроХ்роХுроо் роироЯро╡роЯிроХ்роХைропை роЕро╡ро░்роХро│் роОроЯுроХ்роХுроо்рокோродு.

4. роХро▓்ро╡ி рокாрод்родிро░роЩ்роХро│்.роОро▓்

рокெро▒்ро▒ோро░்роХро│் родроЩ்роХро│் роХுро┤рои்родைроХро│ுроХ்роХு роХро▒்рокிроХ்роХ ро╡ேрог்роЯுроо்:
▪️роОрок்рокроЯி роиேро░்рооைропாрой ро╡ாро┤்роХ்роХைропை ро╡ாро┤்ро╡родு.
▪️роороХ்роХро│் роород்родிропிро▓் роОрок்рокроЯி ро╡ாро┤்ро╡родு.
▪️рооро▒்ро▒ро╡ро░்роХро│ுроЯрой் роОрок்рокроЯி ро╡роЪродிропாроХ ро╡ாро┤்ро╡родு.
▪️рооро▒்ро▒ро╡ро░்роХро│ை роиேроЪிрок்рокродு рооро▒்ро▒ுроо் рокாро░ாроЯ்роЯுро╡родு роОрок்рокроЯி.
▪️роЪроо்рокрои்родрок்рокроЯ்роЯ роЕройைро╡ро░ுроХ்роХுроо் роОрок்рокроЯி роиிропாропрооாроХ роЗро░ுроХ்роХ ро╡ேрог்роЯுроо்.
▪️роЕродிроХாро░род்родிро▓் роЗро░ுрок்рокро╡ро░்роХро│ை роОрок்рокроЯி роиேроЪிрок்рокродு.
▪️ро╡ிродிрооுро▒ைроХро│் рооро▒்ро▒ுроо் роТро┤ுроЩ்роХுрооுро▒ைроХро│ுроХ்роХு роОро╡்ро╡ாро▒ு роХீро┤்рок்рокроЯிро╡родு.
▪️роХрог்рогிропрод்родுроЯройுроо் роЪுропрооро░ிропாродைропுроЯройுроо் ро╡ாро┤்ро╡родு роОрок்рокроЯி.
▪️роЕро╡ро░்роХро│ிрой் роОродிро░்роХாро▓род்родை роОрок்рокроЯி родிроЯ்роЯрооிроЯுро╡родு.
▪️роОро╡்ро╡ро│ро╡ு рооுро▒ைропாрой роЗро╕்ро▓ாрооிропроХ் роХро▓்ро╡ிропுроо் роХுро░்роЖройைрок் рокுро░ிрои்родுроХொро│்ро╡родுроо் ро╡ாро┤்ро╡ிрой் роЕройைрод்родு роЪро╡ாро▓்роХро│ுроХ்роХுроо் ро╡ிроЯைропро│ிроХ்роХிро▒родு.
▪️роХெроЯ்роЯ роироЯ்рокிро▓் роЗро░ுрои்родு родрок்рокிрок்рокродு роОрок்рокроЯி.
▪️рооройிродройை роЕро▓்ро▓, роЕро▓்ро▓ாро╣்ро╡ை (я╖╗) роЪாро░்рои்родு ро╡ாро┤்роХ்роХைропை ро╡ெро▒்ро▒ிроХро░рооாроХ роХроЯрои்родு роЪெро▓்ро╡родு роОрок்рокроЯி.
▪️рооுро▒ைроХேроЯு роЗро▓்ро▓ாрооро▓் родேро░்ро╡ிро▓் родேро░்роЪ்роЪி рокெро▒ுро╡родு роОрок்рокроЯி.
▪️роОрок்рокроЯி рокроЯிрок்рокுроЯрой் роЗро░ுрок்рокродு рооро▒்ро▒ுроо் роЕро╡ро░்роХро│ிрой் рооூро│ைропை роХроЯ்роЯрооைрок்рокродு.
▪️роЗрок்рокோродு рооро▒்ро▒ுроо் роЕро╡ро░்роХро│ிрой் роОродிро░்роХாро▓род்родிро▒்роХாрой родро░роиிро▓ைроХро│ை роОро╡்ро╡ாро▒ு роЕрооைрок்рокродு.
▪️роЬрой்ройாро╡ுроХ்роХு роОрок்рокроЯி родро░ிроЪройроо் роЪெроп்ро╡родு...
▪️роЕро▓்ро▓ாро╣்ро╡ை роОрок்рокроЯி роиேроЪிрок்рокродு (я╖╗)
▪️роЕро▓்ро▓ாро╣்ро╡ுроХ்роХு (я╖╗) рокропрои்родு ро╡ாро┤்ро╡родு роОрок்рокроЯி?

роиாроо் роЗрои்родрок் рокாрод்родிро░роЩ்роХро│ைроЪ் роЪெроп்ропுроо்рокோродு, ​​роЕро▓்ро▓ாро╣்ро╡ிрой் роЕро░ுро│ாро▓் роироо் роХுро┤рои்родைроХро│் (я╖╗) роЪிро▒рок்рокாроХ ро╡ெро│ிрок்рокроЯுро╡ாро░்роХро│், рооேро▓ுроо் рокெро▒்ро▒ோро░ாроХிроп роиாроо் роироородு рооுродுрооை рооро▒்ро▒ுроо் роХрок்ро░ிро▓் рокропройроЯைро╡ோроо்.

Sunday, May 14, 2023



The Imam was the second grandson of the Holy Prophet—the son of Imam Ali and Lady Fatima.

Unfortunately, we only know the Battle of Karbala part of his life. There’s no doubt that he was a brave soldier and a pious Muslim resolute on the path of Allah [SWT] on that day. Beyond this, he was a wise and intelligent man, as expounded by these 13 sayings of his.


Imam Hussain had a deep understanding of monotheism. He did not place any emphasis on anyone else independently of God. In this regard, he says:

He who has you has everything, and he who has deprived himself of you is the poorest in the world. Loser is the one who chooses and be content with anyone or anything other than you.”


During our life, we will face challenges where we must choose between our faith and this world. Your employer may withhold a job offer unless you take off the hijab. A client won’t offer you a mega-bucks deal until you drink alcohol with him. People are pressuring you into having music at your wedding. Which one will you choose?

For Imam Hussain, the answer was obvious:

Never will be salvaged by the people who win the consent of the creature at the cost of the dissatisfaction of the creator.” [Maktal Khawarazmi]


Imam Hussain believed enjoining good and forbidding evil is the crux of Islam. If Muslims truly implement this branch of faith, there would be no oppression nor any tyranny:

God attaches primary importance to enjoining good and forbidding evil” as a duty for men and women. For he knows that if it were fulfilled all the other duties, easy or hard, will be accomplished. That is because “enjoining good and forbidding evil” is a call for Islam; it remains the rights of the oppressed and opposes tyrants.” [Tohafol Okool]


Imam Hussain believes anyone can perform religious duties when life is going well. True Muslims are those who stick to their faith in hardship and ease:

People are slaves to the world, and as long as they live favorable and comfortable lives, they are loyal to religious principles. However, at hard times, the times of trials, true religious people are scarce.” [Bihar]


We justify sins that lead to alleged good outcomes. This is false. Any so-called benefit realised will be short-term and limited to the world. On the Day of Judgement, we will have to account for it. The Imam says:

One who pursues a goal through sinful ways, will ironically distance himself from that goal, and will approach what he was afraid of.”


Our sustenance is pre-written by God. What’s the point of being greedy? Whatever you’re destined to lose will be lost, even if it’s kept in a secure lock in the most secure bank in the world. Imam Hussain rhetorically asks:

If wealth is amassed for one day to be left. Then why does a free man become so miser of something he has to leave?” [Bihar]


According to Imam Hussain, real worship of God is when you do it because you genuinely love God, not because you want a reward in return. We should keep trying to improve our acts of worship until it becomes purely for God.

Those who worship God for the hope of gaining, they’re not real worshippers, they’re merchants.”


When someone comes to us for help, we feel lazy. We can’t be bothered, or we think we have more important things to do. Imam Hussain’s take on this is unique:

Beware that the need of people to you is among the blessings of God to you. So do not scare away the needy people when they come to you, as God’s blessings will return and go elsewhere.” [Bihar]


When someone oppresses us, we can fight oppression through worldly means. We can go to the police or hire a lawyer. Maybe we have it in our physical and intellectual capacity to rectify the situation. But the oppressor should feel afraid when he/she oppresses someone who literally has no resources to fight back except through making a dua to God because God’s response will be terrifying:

Avoid oppressing the one who does not have any supporter against you, other than the Almighty God.” [Bihar]

Obviously, we should never oppress anyone!!


Nobody likes criticism. It hurts the ego. That being said, criticism is the doorway to self-improvement. We shouldn’t get offended by a loved one who privately tells us our shortcomings because, with that feedback, we can become better Muslims.

One who reveals your faults to you like a mirror is your true friend, and one who flatters you and covers up your faults is your enemy.” [Bihar]

We judge people by the friends they keep. Keeping the company of evil damages our reputation but – more worryingly – may influence us:

Associating with corrupt people makes you subject to suspicion.” [Bihar]


First of all: don’t eat the sustenance of God and commit sin as much you like. Second: go beyond the domain of God and commit sin as much you like. Third: seek a site where God cannot observe you and commit sin as much you like. Fourth: if the Angel of death comes to you to take away your soul, expel him away from yourself and commit sin as much you like. Fifth: If the Angel of Hell was about to throw you into the hell-fire, stop him and commit sin as much as you like.” [Bihar]


Was Imam Hussain the first to coin this phrase? (albeit using different words).

True believers never do anything for which they have to apologize. Fake believers, on the contrary, keep doing wrong and say they are sorry in the aftermath.” [Tohafol Okool]

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

What is Quran?

What is Quran?

Allah describes the Quran in the Quran
The best answer to the question “What is Quran” is provided by Allah – the Lord and Rabb of everything that is ever created and exists. The following are some of the descriptions about Quran within the Quran asserting its authority as a divine book revealed for the entire humanity at large.
Quran is undoubtedly the word of Allah (God) Quran is a book that is the word of Allah (God) and there is no doubt about its divinity. The claim is made by no one but Allah Himself.

1. What is quran? This is the Book (the Quran), whereof there is no doubt, a guidance to those who are Al-Muttaqoon (the pious and righteous persons who fear Allah much (abstain from all kinds of sins and evil deeds which He has forbidden) and love Allah much (perform all kinds of good deeds which He has ordained). (Surah Al-Baqarah, Verse 2)

2. Allah makes it clear in the Quran that it could not have been revealed by anyone other than Him. He says: Allah revealed Quran And this Qur’an is not such as could ever be produced by other than Allah (Lord of the heavens and the earth), but it is a confirmation of (the revelation) which was before it [i.e. the Taurat (Torah), and the Injeel (Gospel)], and a full explanation of the book (i.e. laws, decreed for mankind) – wherein there is no doubt – from the Lord of the ‘Alamin (mankind, jinn, and all that exists). (Surah Younus, Verse 37)

3. Quran is the book of Truth Since time immemorial people have been arguing about “truth” and the criteria to determine the “truth”. Allah makes it clear in the Quran about “ultimate truth.” No book on entity has made such a universal claim with such an authority. The Quran is the Book of Allah with a message of truth for all of mankind: Almighty Allah says in Quran “Verily, We have sent down to you (O Muhammad (PBUH) the Book (this Quran) for mankind in truth. So whosoever accepts the guidance, it is only for his own self, and whosoever goes astray, he goes astray only for his (own) loss. And you (O Muhammad (S)) are not a Wakeel (trustee or disposer of affairs, or keeper) over them.” (Surah Al-Zumar, Verse 41) Allah also says: These are the Verses of the Book (the Quran), and that which has been revealed unto you (Muhammad (S)) from your Lord is the truth, but most men believe not. (Surah Ar-Raad, Verse 1)

4. Quran is a book that discusses mankind (and their guidance) Allah tells us that He revealed a book that includes teachings and guidance related to mankind, so we should follow it. He says quran for mankind. Indeed, We have sent down for you (O mankind) a book (the Quran) in which there is Dhikrukum,(your Reminder or an honor for you i.e. honor for the one who follows the teaching of the Quran and acts on its teachings). Will you not then understand? (Surah Al-Anbiya, Verse 10) Allah also says: Quran word of truth And indeed We have fully explained to mankind, in this Quran, every kind of similitude, but most mankind refuse (the truth and accept nothing) but disbelief. [Surah Al-Isra, 17:89]

5. Quran brings ones life out of darkness into light Allah the only God “It is He Who sends down manifest Ayaat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) to His slave (Muhammad) that He may bring you out from darkness into light. (Surah al-Hadeed, Verse 9)

6. Belief in the Quran is part of being righteous and pious Allah tells us in the Quran the various criteria of being righteous and pious, one of which is the faith in this book (Quran). "It is no virtue that you turn your faces towards the east or the west, but virtue is that one should sincerely believe in Allah and the Last Day and the Angels and the Book and the Prophets and, out of His love, spend of one’s choice wealth for relatives and orphans, for the needy and the wayfarer, for beggars and for the ransom of slaves, and establish the Salat and pay the Zakat. And the virtuous are those who keep their pledges when they make them and show fortitude in hardships and adversity and in the struggle between the Truth and falsehood; such are the truthful people and such are the pious." (Surah Al-Baqarah, Verse 177)

7. Quran was revealed to be recited for its followers As the Quranic verse below indicates, Allah has asked Quran’s followers to give it’s right of recitation (to be followed). He says in the Quran: "Those (who embraced Islam from Bani Israel) to whom We gave the book [the Taurat (Torah)] [or those (Muhammad’s companions) to whom We have given the book (the Quran)] recite it (i.e. obey its orders and follow its teachings) as it should be recited (i.e. followed), they are the ones who believe therein. And whoso disbelieve in it (the Quran), those are they who are the losers. (Tafsir Al-Qurtubi)". (Surah A-Baqarah, Verse 121)

8. Quran is Allah’s words that was brought by Angel Jibraeel to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Allah provides the answer about how Quran was brought to the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH).

9. Quran in stages “And verily, you (O Muhammad (PBUH)) are receiving the Quran from the One, All-Wise, All-Knowing” (Surah An-Naml, Verse 6) Quran is Allah’s word that was revealed to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in stages When Quran was being revealed to the prophet (PBUH), the disbelievers of his time asked as to why the entire book was not revealed all at once. To this Allah responded in the Quran:

10. Quran strengthen hearts “And those who disbelieve say: Why is not the Quran revealed to him all at once? Thus (it is sent down in parts), that We may strengthen your heart thereby. And We have revealed it to you gradually, in stages” (Surah Al-Furqan Verse 32)

11.Nothing like Quran can be written or produced In the Quran, Allah has challenged mankind and the jinn to produce something like it, even one surah or one aayah (verse), but they could not do that and will never be able to do that, as Allah says: Allah challenges people about producing like Quran Say: “If the mankind and the jinns were together to produce the like of this Quran, they could not produce the like thereof, even if they helped one another.” (Surah Al-Isra, Verse 88) Allah also says in the Quran: islam religion of truth “And if you (Arab Pagans, Jews, and Christians) are in doubt concerning that, which We have sent down (i.e. the Quran) to Our slave (Muhammad (S)), then produce a Surah (chapter) of the like thereof and call your witnesses (supporters and helpers) besides Allah, if you are truthful.” (Surah Al-Baqarah, Verse 23)

12. Quran is a divine revelation that should be treated as such Allah emphasizes the greatness of the Quran by providing an example in the following verse: “Had We sent down this Quran on a mountain, you would surely have seen it humbling itself and rending asunder by the fear of Allah. Such are the parables, which We put forward to mankind that they may reflect.” [Surah Al-Hashr, 58:21]

13. Quran is Allah’s (God’s) final revelation to mankind that has remain unchanged since its revelation Quran is not only Allah’s final word but Allah Himself has taken the pledge to safeguard it from any corruption. As a result, we see that Quran today is in the same form as it was revealed by Allah on Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). All other revealed books except the Quran have been changed and distorted over time. The Quran is and will remain, intact in its original form till the Day of Judgment. Allah has sent down Quran to mankind and has guaranteed to preserve it, taking upon Himself the responsibility of preserving it till the last day. Allah says:“It is We Who have sent down the Dhikr (i.e. the Quran) and surely, We will guard it (from corruption).” (Surah Al-Hijr, Verse 9)

14. Quran provides a complete code of living life and guidance for preparing for the hereafter Quran is a blessing for mankind to be able to live peaceful lives on this earth and has guidance to help mankind prepare for the hereafter as well. Allah says: “… And We have sent down to you the Book (the Quran), as an exposition of everything, a guidance, a mercy, and glad tidings for those who have submitted themselves (to Allah as Muslims).” (Surah An-Nahl, Verse 89)

15. Quran is a book of healing Quran is a means of both physical and spiritual healing. Allah says in the Quran: “O mankind! There has come to you a good advice from your Lord (i.e. the Quran, ordering all that is good and forbidding all that is evil), and a healing for that (disease of ignorance, doubt, hypocrisy and differences, etc.) in your breasts, – a guidance and a mercy (explaining lawful and unlawful things, etc.) for the believers.” (Surah Younus, 57) Allah also says: "And We sent down in the Quran such things that have healing and mercy for the believers" (Surah Al-Isra, Verse 82)

16. Quran’s message has no crookedness or contradictions Allah says in the Quran: Quran only from Allah Do they not then consider the Qur’an carefully? Had it been from other than Allah, they would surely have found therein many a contradiction. (Surah An-Nisa, Verse 82)

“All the praises and thanks be to Allah, Who has sent down to His slave (Muhammad) the Book (the Quran), and has not placed therein any crookedness.” (Surah Al-Kahf, Verse 1)

Value the treasure (Quran) we have received as blessing and mercy from Almighty Allah.

May Allah help us to recite and memorize Quran in a perfect manner. Aameen.

роХுро░்роЖрой் роОрой்ро▒ாро▓் роОрой்рой?

роХுро░்роЖройை роЕро▓்ро▓ாро╣் роХுро░்роЖройிро▓் ро╡ிро╡ро░ிроХ்роХிро▒ாрой். "роХுро░்роЖрой் роОрой்ро▒ாро▓் роОрой்рой" роОрой்ро▒ роХேро│்ро╡ிроХ்роХு роЪிро▒рои்род рокродிро▓் роЕро▓்ро▓ாро╣்ро╡ாро▓் ро╡ро┤роЩ்роХрок்рокроЯுроХிро▒родு - роОрок்рокோродுроо் рокроЯைроХ்роХрок்рокроЯ்роЯ рооро▒்ро▒ுроо் роЗро░ுроХ்роХுроо் роОро▓்ро▓ாро╡ро▒்ро▒ிрой் роЗро▒ைро╡ройுроо் ро░рок்рокுроо்.  роХுро░்роЖройிро▓் роЙро│்ро│ роХுро░்роЖройைрок் рокро▒்ро▒ிроп роЪிро▓ ро╡ிро│роХ்роХроЩ்роХро│், рооுро┤ு рооройிродроХுро▓род்родிро▒்роХாроХро╡ுроо் ро╡ெро│ிрок்рокроЯுрод்родрок்рокроЯ்роЯ роТро░ு родெроп்ро╡ீроХ рокுрод்родроХрооாроХ роЕродрой் роЕродிроХாро░род்родை роЙро▒ுродிрок்рокроЯுрод்родுроХிрой்ро▒рой.
 роХுро░்роЖрой் роЪрои்родேроХрод்родிро▒்роХு роЗроЯрооிрой்ро▒ி роЕро▓்ро▓ாро╣்ро╡ிрой் ро╡ாро░்род்родை (роХроЯро╡ுро│்) роХுро░்роЖрой் роОрой்рокродு роЕро▓்ро▓ாро╣்ро╡ிрой் (роХроЯро╡ுро│்) ро╡ாро░்род்родை рооро▒்ро▒ுроо் роЕродрой் родெроп்ро╡ீроХрод்родрой்рооைропிро▓் роОрои்род роЪрои்родேроХрооுроо் роЗро▓்ро▓ை.  роХூро▒்ро▒ு роЕро▓்ро▓ாро╣்ро╡ைрод் родро╡ிро░ ро╡ேро▒ு ропாро░ாро▓ுроо் роЪெроп்ропрок்рокроЯро╡ிро▓்ро▓ை.

1. роХுро░்роЖрой் роОрой்ро▒ாро▓் роОрой்рой?  роЗродு роЕро▓்-рооுрод்родроХூрой் (роЕро▓்ро▓ாро╣்ро╡ை роЕродிроХроо் роЕроЮ்роЪுроо் (роЕро╡рой் родроЯைроЪெроп்род роЕройைрод்родு ро╡роХைропாрой рокாро╡роЩ்роХро│் рооро▒்ро▒ுроо் родீроп роЪெропро▓்роХро│ிро▓ிро░ுрои்родுроо் ро╡ிро▓роХிроп) роЗро▒ைропроЪ்роЪрооுроЯைропோро░் рооро▒்ро▒ுроо் роиேро░்рооைропாрой роирокро░்роХро│ுроХ்роХு ро╡ро┤ிроХாроЯ்роЯுроо், роЪрои்родேроХрод்родிро▒்роХு роЗроЯрооிро▓்ро▓ாрод рокுрод்родроХроо் (роХுро░்роЖрой்) роЖроХுроо்.  роЕро▓்ро▓ாро╣்ро╡ை роЕродிроХроо் роиேроЪிроХ்роХро╡ுроо் (роЕро╡рой் ро╡ிродிрод்род роЕройைрод்родு ро╡роХைропாрой роиро▒்роЪெропро▓்роХро│ைропுроо் роЪெроп்ропுроЩ்роХро│்) (роЪூро░ா роЕро▓்-рокроХро░ா, ро╡роЪройроо் 2)

2. роЕро▓்ро▓ாро╣் роХுро░்роЖройிро▓் роЕродு роЕро╡ройைрод் родро╡ிро░ ро╡ேро▒ு ропாро░ாро▓ுроо் роЗро▒роХ்роХிропிро░ுроХ்роХ рооுроЯிропாродு роОрой்ро▒ு родெро│ிро╡ாроХроХ் роХூро▒ுроХிро▒ாрой்.  роЕро╡ро░் роХூро▒ுроХிро▒ாро░்: роЕро▓்ро▓ாро╣் роХுро░்роЖройை ро╡ெро│ிрок்рокроЯுрод்родிройாрой், рооேро▓ுроо் роЗрои்род роХுро░்роЖрой் роЕро▓்ро▓ாро╣்ро╡ைрод் родро╡ிро░ (ро╡ாройроЩ்роХро│் рооро▒்ро▒ுроо் рокூрооிропிрой் роЗро▒ைро╡рой்) рокிро▒ро░ாро▓் роЙро░ுро╡ாроХ்роХрок்рокроЯ рооுроЯிропாродродு роЕро▓்ро▓, роЖройாро▓் роЗродு роЕродро▒்роХு рооுрой் роЗро░ுрои்род (роЕродாро╡родு ро╡ெро│ிрок்рокாроЯ்роЯிрой்) роЙро▒ுродிрок்рокроЯுрод்родро▓் роЖроХுроо்.  родௌро░ாрод் (родோро░ா), рооро▒்ро▒ுроо் роЗрой்роЬீро▓் (роиро▒்роЪெроп்родி)] рооро▒்ро▒ுроо் рокுрод்родроХрод்родிрой் рооுро┤ு ро╡ிро│роХ்роХрооுроо் (роЕродாро╡родு рооройிрод роХுро▓род்родுроХ்роХாроХ ро╡ிродிроХ்роХрок்рокроЯ்роЯ роЪроЯ்роЯроЩ்роХро│்) - роЗродிро▓் роОрои்род роЪрои்родேроХрооுроо் роЗро▓்ро▓ை - 'роЖро▓рооிрой் (рооройிродроХுро▓роо், роЬிрой்роХро│் рооро▒்ро▒ுроо் роЕройைрод்родுрооே) роЗро▒ைро╡ройிроЯрооிро░ுрои்родு  роЕродு роЙро│்ро│родு).  (роЪூро░ா ропூройுро╕், ро╡роЪройроо் 37)

3. роХுро░்роЖрой் роЪрод்родிроп рокுрод்родроХроо் роОрой்рокродு рокро┤роЩ்роХாро▓род்родிро▓ிро░ுрои்родே роороХ்роХро│் "роЙрог்рооை" рооро▒்ро▒ுроо் "роЙрог்рооைропை" родீро░்рооாройிрок்рокродро▒்роХாрой роЕро│ро╡ுроХோро▓்роХро│் рокро▒்ро▒ி ро╡ாродிроЯ்роЯு ро╡ро░ுроХிрой்ро▒ройро░்.  "роЗро▒ுродி роЙрог்рооை" рокро▒்ро▒ி роЕро▓்ро▓ாро╣் роХுро░்роЖройிро▓் родெро│ிро╡ுрокроЯுрод்родுроХிро▒ாрой்.  роиிро▒ுро╡ройроо் рокро▒்ро▒ிроп роОрои்род рокுрод்родроХрооுроо் роЕрод்родроХைроп роЕродிроХாро░роо் роХொрог்роЯ роЙро▓роХро│ாро╡ிроп роЙро░ிрооைроХோро░ро▓ை рооுрой்ро╡ைроХ்роХро╡ிро▓்ро▓ை.  роХுро░்роЖрой் рооройிродроХுро▓роо் роЕройைро╡ро░ுроХ்роХுроо் роЪрод்родிроп роЪெроп்родிропைроХ் роХொрог்роЯ роЕро▓்ро▓ாро╣்ро╡ிрой் рокுрод்родроХроо்: роЪро░்ро╡ро╡ро▓்ро▓рооைропுро│்ро│ роЕро▓்ро▓ாро╣் роХுро░்роЖройிро▓் роХூро▒ுроХிро▒ாрой் "роиிроЪ்роЪропрооாроХ, рооройிродроХுро▓род்родிро▒்роХாроХ (роЗрои்род роХுро░்роЖрой்) ро╡ேродрод்родை (роЗрои்род роХுро░்роЖройை) роЙрог்рооைропாроХро╡ே роЙроЩ்роХро│ுроХ்роХு роЗро▒роХ்роХிропுро│்ро│ோроо்.  ро╡ро┤ிроХாроЯ்роЯுродро▓ை роПро▒்ро▒ுроХ்роХொро│்роХிро▒ாро░், роЕродு роЕро╡ро░ுроЯைроп роЪுропрод்родிро▒்роХாроХ роороЯ்роЯுрооே, роОро╡ро░் ро╡ро┤ிродро╡ро▒ிроЪ் роЪெро▓்роХிро▒ாро░ோ, роЕро╡ро░் родройродு (роЪொрои்род) роиро╖்роЯрод்родிро▒்роХாроХро╡ே ро╡ро┤ிродро╡ро▒ிроЪ் роЪெро▓்роХிро▒ாро░், рооேро▓ுроо் роиீроЩ்роХро│் (рооுро╣роо்роород் (ро╕ро▓்)) роТро░ு ро╡роХ்роХீро▓் (роЕро▒роЩ்роХாро╡ро▓ро░் роЕро▓்ро▓родு ро╡ிро╡роХாро░роЩ்роХро│ை роЕроХро▒்ро▒ுрокро╡ро░், роЕро▓்ро▓родு роХாро╡ро▓ாро│ி роЕро▓்ро▓)  ) роЕро╡ро░்роХро│் рооீродு.” (роЪூро░ா роЕро▓்-ро╕ுрооро░், ро╡роЪройроо் 41) рооேро▓ுроо் роЕро▓்ро▓ாро╣் роХூро▒ுроХிро▒ாрой்: роЗро╡ை ро╡ேродрод்родிрой் (роХுро░்роЖрой்) ро╡роЪройроЩ்роХро│், рооேро▓ுроо் роЙроЩ்роХро│் роЗро▒ைро╡ройிроЯрооிро░ுрои்родு роЙроЩ்роХро│ுроХ்роХு (рооுро╣роо்роородு (ро╕ро▓்)) роЕро░ுро│рок்рокроЯ்роЯродுродாрой் роЙрог்рооை.  , роЖройாро▓் рокெро░ுроо்рокாро▓ாрой роЖрог்роХро│் роироо்рокுро╡родிро▓்ро▓ை. (роЪூро░ா роЕро░்-ро░ாрод், ро╡роЪройроо் 1)

4. роХுро░்роЖрой் роОрой்рокродு рооройிродроХுро▓род்родைрок் рокро▒்ро▒ி ро╡ிро╡ாродிроХ்роХுроо் роТро░ு рокுрод்родроХроо் (рооро▒்ро▒ுроо் роЕро╡ро░்роХро│ிрой் ро╡ро┤ிроХாроЯ்роЯுродро▓்) роЕро▓்ро▓ாро╣் рооройிродроХுро▓роо் родொроЯро░்рокாрой рокோродройைроХро│் рооро▒்ро▒ுроо் ро╡ро┤ிроХாроЯ்роЯுродро▓்роХро│ை роЙро│்ро│роЯроХ்роХிроп роТро░ு рокுрод்родроХрод்родை ро╡ெро│ிрок்рокроЯுрод்родிропродாроХ роХூро▒ுроХிро▒ாрой், роОройро╡ே роиாроо் роЕродைрок் рокிрой்рокро▒்ро▒ ро╡ேрог்роЯுроо்.  рооройிрод роХுро▓род்родுроХ்роХாрой роХுро░ாрой் роОрой்роХிро▒ாро░்.  роиிроЪ்роЪропрооாроХ, (рооройிродро░்роХро│ே) роЙроЩ்роХро│ுроХ்роХாроХ роТро░ு рокுрод்родроХрод்родை (роХுро░்роЖрой்) роЗро▒роХ்роХிропுро│்ро│ோроо், роЕродிро▓் родிроХ்ро░ுроХுроо் роЙро│்ро│родு, (роЙроЩ்роХро│் роиிройைро╡ூроЯ்роЯро▓் роЕро▓்ро▓родு роЙроЩ்роХро│ுроХ்роХு рооро░ிропாродை, роЕродாро╡родு роХுро░்роЖройிрой் рокோродройைроХро│ைрок் рокிрой்рокро▒்ро▒ி роЕродрой் рокோродройைроХро│ைрок் рокிрой்рокро▒்ро▒ுрокро╡ро░்роХро│ுроХ்роХு рооро░ிропாродை)  .  роЕрок்рокோродு роиீроЩ்роХро│் рокுро░ிрои்родு роХொро│்ро│ рооாроЯ்роЯீро░்роХро│ா?  (роЪூро░ா роЕро▓்-роЕрой்рокிропா, ро╡роЪройроо் 10) рооேро▓ுроо் роЕро▓்ро▓ாро╣் роХூро▒ுроХிро▒ாрой்: роХுро░்роЖрой் роЪрод்родிроп ро╡ாро░்род்родை рооேро▓ுроо் роЗрои்род роХுро░்роЖройிро▓் роЕройைрод்родு ро╡ிродрооாрой роЙро░ுро╡роХроЩ்роХро│ைропுроо் роиாроо் рооுро┤ுрооைропாроХ рооройிрод роХுро▓род்родிро▒்роХு ро╡ிро│роХ்роХிропுро│்ро│ோроо்.  [роЪூро░ா роЕро▓்-роЗро╕்ро░ா, 17:89]

5. роХுро░்роЖрой் роЗро░ுро│ிро▓் роЗро░ுрои்родு роТро░ுро╡ро░ுроЯைроп ро╡ாро┤்роХ்роХைропை ро╡ெро│ிроЪ்роЪрод்родிро▒்роХுроХ் роХொрог்роЯுро╡ро░ுроХிро▒родு роЕро▓்ро▓ாро╣் роТро░ே роХроЯро╡ுро│் "роЕро╡рой்родாрой் роЕро╡ройродு роЕроЯிрооைроХ்роХு (рооுро╣роо்роородு) ро╡ெро│ிрок்рокроЯைропாрой роЖропрод்родை (роЪாрой்ро▒ுроХро│், роЪாрой்ро▒ுроХро│், ро╡роЪройроЩ்роХро│், рокாроЯроЩ்роХро│், роЕроЯைропாро│роЩ்роХро│், ро╡ெро│ிрок்рокாроЯுроХро│் рокோрой்ро▒ро╡ை) роЗро▒роХ்роХிро╡ைроХ்роХிро▒ாрой்.  роиீроЩ்роХро│் роЗро░ுро│ிро▓ிро░ுрои்родு ро╡ெро│ிроЪ்роЪрод்родிро▒்роХு ро╡ро░ுроХிро▒ீро░்роХро│்.  (роЪூро░ா роЕро▓்-ро╣родீрод், ро╡роЪройроо் 9)

6. роХுро░்роЖройிро▓் роироо்рокிроХ்роХை роОрой்рокродு роиேро░்рооைропாрой рооро▒்ро▒ுроо் рокроХ்родிропுроЯрой் роЗро░ுрок்рокродрой் роТро░ு рокроХுродிропாроХுроо், роЕро▓்ро▓ாро╣் роХுро░்роЖройிро▓் роиீродி рооро▒்ро▒ுроо் рокроХ்родிропிрой் рокро▓்ро╡ேро▒ு роЕро│ро╡ுроХோро▓்роХро│ைроЪ் роЪொро▓்роХிро▒ாрой், роЕро╡ро▒்ро▒ிро▓் роТрой்ро▒ு роЗрои்род рокுрод்родроХрод்родிро▓் (роХுро░்роЖрой்) роироо்рокிроХ்роХை.  "роЙроЩ்роХро│் рооுроХроЩ்роХро│ை роХிро┤роХ்роХு роЕро▓்ро▓родு рооேро▒்роХு роиோроХ்роХிрод் родிро░ுрок்рокுро╡родு роиро▒்рокрог்рокு роЕро▓்ро▓, роЖройாро▓் роТро░ுро╡рой் роЕро▓்ро▓ாро╣்ро╡ைропுроо் роЗро▒ுродி роиாро│ைропுроо், рооро▓роХ்роХுроХро│ைропுроо், ро╡ேродрод்родைропுроо், роирокிрооாро░்роХро│ைропுроо் роЙрог்рооைропாроХ роироо்рокுро╡родுроо், роЕро╡ройுроЯைроп роЕрой்рокிройாро▓், роТро░ுро╡ройுроЯைропродைроЪ் роЪெро▓ро╡ிроЯுро╡родுроо்родாрой் роиро▒்рокрог்рокு.  роЙро▒ро╡ிройро░்роХро│் рооро▒்ро▒ுроо் роЕройாродைроХро│், роПро┤ைроХро│் рооро▒்ро▒ுроо் ро╡ро┤ிрок்рокோроХ்роХро░்роХро│், рокிроЪ்роЪைроХ்роХாро░ро░்роХро│் рооро▒்ро▒ுроо் роЕроЯிрооைроХро│ை рооீроЯ்роХுроо் ро╡ிро░ுрок்рокрооாрой роЪெро▓்ро╡роо், родொро┤ுроХைропை роиிро▓ைроиாроЯ்роЯி роЬроХாрод் роЪெро▓ுрод்родுроЩ்роХро│்.  рооро▒்ро▒ுроо் родுрой்рокроо் рооро▒்ро▒ுроо் роЪрод்родிропрод்родிро▒்роХுроо் рокொроп்рооைроХ்роХுроо் роЗроЯைропேропாрой рокோро░ாроЯ்роЯрод்родிро▓ுроо், роЙрог்рооைропாро│ро░்роХро│ுроо், роЗро▒ைропроЪ்роЪрооுроЯைропро╡ро░்роХро│ுроо் родாрой்."  (роЪூро░ா роЕро▓்-рокроХро░ா, ро╡роЪройроо் 177)

7. роХுро░்роЖрой் роЕродрой் рокிрой்рокро▒்ро▒ுрокро╡ро░்роХро│ுроХ்роХாроХ роУродрок்рокроЯுро╡родро▒்роХாроХ ро╡ெро│ிрок்рокроЯுрод்родрок்рокроЯ்роЯродு, роХீро┤ே роЙро│்ро│ роХுро░்роЖрой் ро╡роЪройроо் роХுро▒ிрок்рокிроЯுро╡родு рокோро▓், роЕро▓்ро▓ாро╣் роХுро░்роЖройைрок் рокிрой்рокро▒்ро▒ுрокро╡ро░்роХро│ிроЯроо் роЕродை роУродுро╡родро▒்роХு (рокிрой்рокро▒்ро▒ ро╡ேрог்роЯிроп) роЙро░ிрооைропை ро╡ро┤роЩ்роХுрооாро▒ு роХேроЯ்роЯாрой்.  роЕро╡ро░் роХுро░்роЖройிро▓் роХூро▒ுроХிро▒ாро░்: "(рокройி роЗро╕்ро░ро╡ேро▓ிро▓ிро░ுрои்родு роЗро╕்ро▓ாрод்родைрод் родро┤ுро╡ிропро╡ро░்роХро│்) ропாро░ுроХ்роХு роиாроо் рокுрод்родроХроо் [родௌро░ாрод் (родோро░ா)] роХொроЯுрод்родோрооோ роЕро╡ро░்роХро│் (рооுро╣роо்роородுро╡ிрой் родோро┤ро░்роХро│்) рокுрод்родроХрод்родை (роХுро░்роЖрой்) ро╡ро┤роЩ்роХிропро╡ро░்роХро│்] роЕродை роУродுроХிро▒ாро░்роХро│்.  (роЕродாро╡родு роЕродрой் роХроЯ்роЯро│ைроХро│ுроХ்роХுроХ் роХீро┤்рок்рокроЯிрои்родு, роЕродрой் рокோродройைроХро│ைрок் рокிрой்рокро▒்ро▒ுроЩ்роХро│்) роЕродை роУрод ро╡ேрог்роЯுроо் (роЕродாро╡родு рокிрой்рокро▒்ро▒ ро╡ேрог்роЯுроо்), роЕро╡ро░்роХро│் роЕродை роироо்рокுрокро╡ро░்роХро│், ропாро░் роЕродை (роХுро░்роЖройை) роиிро░ாроХро░ிроХ்роХிро▒ாро░்роХро│ோ, роЕро╡ро░்роХро│்родாрой் роиро╖்роЯроороЯைрои்родро╡ро░்роХро│். (родроГрок்ро╕ீро░் роЕро▓்-  роХுро░்родுрокி)".  (роЪூро░ா роЕ-рокроХро░ா, ро╡роЪройроо் 121)

8. роХுро░்роЖрой் роОрой்рокродு роЬிрок்ро░ропீро▓் родூродро░் рооுро╣роо்роородு роирокி (ро╕ро▓்) роЕро╡ро░்роХро│ிроЯроо் роХொрог்роЯு ро╡ро░рок்рокроЯ்роЯ роЕро▓்ро▓ாро╣்ро╡ிрой் ро╡ாро░்род்родைроХро│், роХுро░்роЖрой் роирокி (ро╕ро▓்) роЕро╡ро░்роХро│ிроЯроо் роОро╡்ро╡ாро▒ு роХொрог்роЯு ро╡ро░рок்рокроЯ்роЯродு роОрой்рокродро▒்роХாрой рокродிро▓ை роЕро▓்ро▓ாро╣் ро╡ро┤роЩ்роХுроХிро▒ாрой்.

9. роХுро░்роЖрой் роиிро▓ைроХро│ிро▓் “роиிроЪ்роЪропрооாроХ, роиீроЩ்роХро│் (роУ рооுро╣роо்роородு (ро╕ро▓்)) роТро░ுро╡ро░ிроЯрооிро░ுрои்родு роХுро░்роЖройைрок் рокெро▒ுроХிро▒ீро░்роХро│், роОро▓்ро▓ாроо் роЕро▒ிрои்родро╡ро░், роОро▓்ро▓ாроо் роЕро▒ிрои்родро╡ро░்” (роЪூро░ா роЕрой்-роироо்ро▓், ро╡роЪройроо் 6) роХுро░்роЖрой் роОрой்рокродு роЕро▓்ро▓ாро╣்ро╡ிрой் ро╡ாро░்род்родைропாроХுроо்.  роирокிроХро│் роиாропроХроо் (ро╕ро▓்) роЕро╡ро░்роХро│ுроХ்роХு роХுро░்роЖрой் роЕро░ுро│рок்рокроЯ்роЯрокோродு, ​​роЕро╡ро░родு роХாро▓род்родு роХாроГрокிро░்роХро│், рооுро┤ு рокுрод்родроХрооுроо் роПрой் роТро░ே роиேро░род்родிро▓் ро╡ெро│ிро╡ро░ро╡ிро▓்ро▓ை роОрой்ро▒ு роХேроЯ்роЯройро░்.  роЗродро▒்роХு роЕро▓்ро▓ாро╣் роХுро░்роЖройிро▓் рокродிро▓ро│ிрод்родாрой்:

10. роХுро░்роЖрой் роЗродропроЩ்роХро│ை рокро▓рок்рокроЯுрод்родுроХிро▒родு "рооேро▓ுроо் роиிро░ாроХро░ிрок்рокро╡ро░்роХро│் роХூро▒ுроХிро▒ாро░்роХро│்: роХுро░்роЖрой் роПрой் роЕро╡ро░ுроХ்роХு роТро░ே роиேро░род்родிро▓் роЗро▒роХ்роХрок்рокроЯро╡ிро▓்ро▓ை?  роЗро╡்ро╡ாро▒ே (роЗродு рокроХுродிроХро│ாроХ роЗро▒роХ்роХрок்рокроЯ்роЯродு), роЗродрой் рооூро▓роо் роЙроЩ்роХро│ிрой் роЗродропрод்родை роиாроо் рокро▓рок்рокроЯுрод்родுро╡ோроо்.  рооேро▓ுроо், рокроЯிрок்рокроЯிропாроХ, рокроЯிрок்рокроЯிропாроХ роЙроороХ்роХு ро╡ெро│ிрок்рокроЯுрод்родிройோроо்” (ро╕ுро░ா роЕро▓்-роГрокுро░்роХாрой் ро╡роЪройроо் 32)

11.роХுро░்роЖройைрок் рокோрой்ро▒ роОродைропுроо் роХுро░்роЖройிро▓் роОро┤ுродро╡ோ роЕро▓்ро▓родு родропாро░ிроХ்роХро╡ோ рооுроЯிропாродு, роЕро▓்ро▓ாро╣் рооройிрод роЗройрод்родிро▒்роХுроо் роЬிрой்роХро│ுроХ்роХுроо் роТро░ு роЪூро░ா роЕро▓்ро▓родு роТро░ு роЖропா (ро╡роЪройроо்) рокோрой்ро▒ роТрой்ро▒ை роЙро░ுро╡ாроХ்роХுрооாро▒ு роЪро╡ாро▓் ро╡ிроЯ்роЯாрой், роЖройாро▓் роЕро╡ро░்роХро│ாро▓் роЕродைроЪ் роЪெроп்роп рооுроЯிропро╡ிро▓்ро▓ை, роТро░ுрокோродுроо் роЪெроп்роп рооுроЯிропாродு.  роЕро▓்ро▓ாро╣் роХூро▒ுро╡родு рокோро▓், роХுро░்роЖройைрок் рокோрой்ро▒ро╡ро▒்ро▒ை роЙро░ுро╡ாроХ்роХுро╡родைрок் рокро▒்ро▒ி роЕро▓்ро▓ாро╣் роороХ்роХро│ுроХ்роХு роЪро╡ாро▓் ро╡ிроЯுроХிро▒ாрой்: “рооройிродро░்роХро│ுроо் роЬிрой்роХро│ுроо் роТрой்ро▒ு роЪேро░்рои்родு роЗрои்родроХ் роХுро░்роЖройைрок் рокோрой்ро▒ро╡ро▒்ро▒ை роЙро░ுро╡ாроХ்роХிройாро▓், роЕро╡ро░்роХро│் роТро░ுро╡ро░ுроХ்роХு роТро░ுро╡ро░் роЙродро╡ி роЪெроп்родாро▓ுроо் роЕродைрок் рокோрой்ро▒родை роЕро╡ро░்роХро│ாро▓் роЙро░ுро╡ாроХ்роХ рооுроЯிропாродு.”  (роЪூро░ா роЕро▓்-роЗро╕்ро░ா, ро╡роЪройроо் 88) роЕро▓்ро▓ாро╣் роХுро░்роЖройிро▓் рооேро▓ுроо் роХூро▒ுроХிро▒ாрой்: роЗро╕்ро▓ாроо் роЪрод்родிроп рооாро░்роХ்роХроо் “рооேро▓ுроо் роиீроЩ்роХро│் (роЕро░рокு рокாроХрой்роХро│், ропூродро░்роХро│் рооро▒்ро▒ுроо் роХிро▒ிро╕்родро╡ро░்роХро│்) роиாроо் роЗро▒роХ்роХிроп (роЕродாро╡родு роХுро░்роЖройை) роЗродு роХுро▒ிрод்родு роЪрои்родேроХроо் роХொрог்роЯிро░ுрои்родாро▓்.  роОроЩ்роХро│் роЕроЯிропாрой் (рооுро╣роо்роородு (ро╕ро▓்)), роЕродு рокோрой்ро▒ роТро░ு роЪூро░ாро╡ை (роЕрод்родிропாропроо்) роЙро░ுро╡ாроХ்роХி, роиீроЩ்роХро│் роЙрог்рооைропாро│ро░்роХро│ாроХ роЗро░ுрои்родாро▓், роЕро▓்ро▓ாро╣்ро╡ைрод் родро╡ிро░ роЙроЩ்роХро│் роЪாроЯ்роЪிроХро│ை (роЖродро░ро╡ாро│ро░்роХро│ைропுроо் роЙродро╡ிропாро│ро░்роХро│ைропுроо்) роЕро┤ைроХ்роХро╡ுроо்.  (роЪூро░ா роЕро▓்-рокроХро░ா, ро╡роЪройроо் 23)

12. роХுро░்роЖрой் роТро░ு родெроп்ро╡ீроХ ро╡ெро│ிрок்рокாроЯாроХроХ் роХро░ுродрок்рокроЯ ро╡ேрог்роЯுроо், роЕро▓்ро▓ாро╣் роХுро░்роЖройிрой் роороХрод்родுро╡род்родை рокிрой்ро╡ро░ுроо் ро╡роЪройрод்родிро▓் роОроЯுрод்родுроХ்роХாроЯ்роЯுро╡родрой் рооூро▓роо் ро╡ро▓ிропுро▒ுрод்родுроХிро▒ாрой்: “роЗрои்род роХுро░்роЖройை роиாроо் роТро░ு рооро▓ைропிрой் рооீродு роЗро▒роХ்роХிропிро░ுрои்родாро▓், роЕродு родрой்ройைрод் родாро┤்род்родிроХ் роХொрог்роЯுроо், роХிро┤ிрои்родு рокோро╡родைропுроо் роиீроЩ்роХро│் роиிроЪ்роЪропрооாроХроХ் роХрог்роЯிро░ுрок்рокீро░்роХро│்.  роЕро▓்ро▓ாро╣்ро╡ிрой் рокропрод்родிройாро▓் рокிро│ро╡ுрокроЯ்роЯродு.  рооройிродро░்роХро│் роЪிрои்родிрод்родுрок் рокாро░்рок்рокродро▒்роХாроХ роиாроо் роЕро╡ро░்роХро│ுроХ்роХு рооுрой்ро╡ைрод்род роЙро╡рооைроХро│் роЗро╡ைродாрой்.  [роЪூро░ா роЕро▓்-ро╣ро╖்ро░், 58:21]

13. роХுро░்роЖрой் рооройிрод роХுро▓род்родிро▒்роХு роЕро▓்ро▓ாро╣்ро╡ிрой் (роХроЯро╡ுро│ிрой்) роЗро▒ுродி ро╡ெро│ிрок்рокாроЯு роЖроХுроо், роЕродрой் ро╡ெро│ிрок்рокாроЯு роХுро░்роЖрой் роЕро▓்ро▓ாро╣்ро╡ிрой் роЗро▒ுродி ро╡ாро░்род்родை роороЯ்роЯுрооро▓்ро▓, роОрои்род роКро┤ро▓ிро▓் роЗро░ுрои்родுроо் роЕродைрок் рокாродுроХாрок்рокродாроХ роЕро▓்ро▓ாро╣்ро╡ே роЙро▒ுродிрооொро┤ி роОроЯுрод்родாрой்.  роЗродрой் ро╡ிро│ைро╡ாроХ роЗрой்ро▒ு роХுро░்роЖрой் рооுро╣роо்роородு роирокி (ро╕ро▓்) роЕро╡ро░்роХро│் рооீродு роЕро▓்ро▓ாро╣்ро╡ிройாро▓் ро╡ெро│ிрок்рокроЯுрод்родрок்рокроЯ்роЯ роЕродே ро╡роЯிро╡род்родிро▓் роЗро░ுрок்рокродைроХ் роХாрог்роХிро▒ோроо்.  роХுро░்роЖройைрод் родро╡ிро░ рооро▒்ро▒ роЕройைрод்родு ро╡ெро│ிрок்рокроЯுрод்родрок்рокроЯ்роЯ рокுрод்родроХроЩ்роХро│ுроо் роХாро▓рок்рокோроХ்роХிро▓் рооாро▒்ро▒рок்рокроЯ்роЯு роЪிродைроХ்роХрок்рокроЯ்роЯрой.  роХுро░்роЖрой் рооро▒ுрооை роиாро│் ро╡ро░ை роЕродрой் роЕроЪро▓் ро╡роЯிро╡род்родிро▓் роЕрок்рокроЯிропே роЙро│்ро│родு.  роЕро▓்ро▓ாро╣் роХுро░்роЖройை рооройிрод роХுро▓род்родிро▒்роХு роЗро▒роХ்роХி, роЕродை роЗро▒ுродி роиாро│் ро╡ро░ை рокாродுроХாроХ்роХுроо் рокொро▒ுрок்рокை родрой் рооீродு роПро▒்ро▒ு, роЕродை рокாродுроХாрок்рокродாроХ роЙрод்родро░ро╡ாродроо் роЕро│ிрод்родுро│்ро│ாрой்.  роЕро▓்ро▓ாро╣் роХூро▒ுроХிро▒ாрой்: "роиாроЩ்роХро│்родாрой் родிроХ்ро░ை (роЕродாро╡родு роХுро░்роЖройை) роЗро▒роХ்роХிройோроо், роиிроЪ்роЪропрооாроХ роиாроЩ்роХро│் роЕродை (роКро┤ро▓ிро▓் роЗро░ுрои்родு) рокாродுроХாрок்рокோроо்."  (роЪூро░ா роЕро▓்-ро╣ிроЬ்ро░், ро╡роЪройроо் 9)

14. роХுро░்роЖрой் рооுро┤ுрооைропாрой ро╡ாро┤்роХ்роХை роиெро▒ிрооுро▒ைропை ро╡ро┤роЩ்роХுроХிро▒родு рооро▒்ро▒ுроо் рооро▒ுрооைроХ்роХு родропாро░ாро╡родро▒்роХாрой ро╡ро┤ிроХாроЯ்роЯுродро▓ை роХுро░்роЖрой் роЗрои்род рокூрооிропிро▓் роЕрооைродிропாрой ро╡ாро┤்роХ்роХைропை ро╡ாро┤ рооройிродроХுро▓род்родிро▒்роХு роТро░ு роЖроЪீро░்ро╡ாродрооாроХுроо், рооேро▓ுроо் рооройிродроХுро▓роо் рооро▒ுрооைроХ்роХுроо் родропாро░ாроХ роЙродро╡ ро╡ро┤ிроХாроЯ்роЯுроХிро▒родு.  роЕро▓்ро▓ாро╣் роХூро▒ுроХிро▒ாрой்: "... рооேро▓ுроо், (рооுро╕்ро▓ிроо்роХро│ாроХ роЕро▓்ро▓ாро╣்ро╡ிроЯроо்) родроЩ்роХро│ைроЪ் роЪрооро░்рок்рокிрод்родро╡ро░்роХро│ுроХ்роХு роОро▓்ро▓ாро╡ро▒்ро▒ிрой் ро╡ிро│роХ்роХрооாроХро╡ுроо், ро╡ро┤ிроХாроЯ்роЯுродро▓ாроХро╡ுроо், роХро░ுрогைропாроХро╡ுроо், роиро▒்роЪெроп்родிропாроХро╡ுроо் роЗрои்род рокுрод்родроХрод்родை (роХுро░்роЖрой்) роЙроЩ்роХро│ுроХ்роХு роЗро▒роХ்роХிропுро│்ро│ோроо்."  (роЪூро░ா роЕрои்роиро╣்ро▓், ро╡роЪройроо் 89)

15. роХுро░்роЖрой் роХுрогрок்рокроЯுрод்родுроо் рокுрод்родроХроо் роХுро░்роЖрой் роЙроЯро▓் рооро▒்ро▒ுроо் роЖрой்рооீроХ роЪிроХிроЪ்роЪைроХ்роХாрой ро╡ро┤ிрооுро▒ைропாроХுроо்.  роЕро▓்ро▓ாро╣் роХுро░்роЖройிро▓் роХூро▒ுроХிро▒ாрой்: “рооройிродро░்роХро│ே!  роЙроЩ்роХро│் роЗро▒ைро╡ройிроЯрооிро░ுрои்родு роТро░ு роиро▓்ро▓ роЕро▒ிро╡ுро░ை роЙроЩ்роХро│ுроХ்роХு ро╡рои்родுро│்ро│родு (роЕродாро╡родு роХுро░்роЖрой், роиро▓்ро▓родைроХ் роХроЯ்роЯро│ைропிроЯுро╡родு рооро▒்ро▒ுроо் родீропродைрод் родроЯுрок்рокродு) рооро▒்ро▒ுроо் роЕродро▒்роХு (роЕро▒ிропாрооை, роЪрои்родேроХроо், рокாроЪாроЩ்роХுрод்родройроо் рооро▒்ро▒ுроо் ро╡ேро▒ுрокாроЯுроХро│் рокோрой்ро▒ро╡ை) роХுрогрок்рокроЯுрод்родுроо்.  рооாро░்рокроХроЩ்роХро│், – роироо்рокிроХ்роХைропாро│ро░்роХро│ுроХ்роХு ро╡ро┤ிроХாроЯ்роЯுродро▓் рооро▒்ро▒ுроо் роХро░ுрогை (роЪроЯ்роЯрокூро░்ро╡рооாрой рооро▒்ро▒ுроо் роЪроЯ்роЯро╡ிро░ோродрооாрой ро╡ிро╖ропроЩ்роХро│ை ро╡ிро│роХ்роХுродро▓் рокோрой்ро▒ро╡ை).”  (роЪூро░ா ропூройுро╕், 57) рооேро▓ுроо் роЕро▓்ро▓ாро╣் роХூро▒ுроХிро▒ாрой்: "рооுроГрооிрой்роХро│ுроХ்роХுроХ் роХுрогрооுроо் роХро░ுрогைропுроо் роХொрог்роЯ ро╡ிро╖ропроЩ்роХро│ை роХுро░்роЖройிро▓் роЗро▒роХ்роХிройோроо்" (роЪூро░ா роЕро▓்-роЗро╕்ро░ா, ро╡роЪройроо் 82)

16. роХுро░்роЖройிрой் роЪெроп்родிропிро▓் ро╡роХ்роХிро░роо் роЕро▓்ро▓родு рооுро░рог்рокாроЯுроХро│் роЗро▓்ро▓ை роОрой்ро▒ு роЕро▓்ро▓ாро╣் роХுро░்роЖройிро▓் роХூро▒ுроХிро▒ாрой்: роХுро░்роЖрой் роЕро▓்ро▓ாро╣்ро╡ிроЯрооிро░ுрои்родு роороЯ்роЯுроо் родாрой் роХுро░்роЖройை роЕро╡ро░்роХро│் роХро╡ройрооாроХроХ் роХро╡ройிроХ்роХро╡ிро▓்ро▓ைропா?  роЕро▓்ро▓ாро╣் роЕро▓்ро▓ாрод рокிро▒ро░ிроЯрооிро░ுрои்родு ро╡рои்родிро░ுрои்родாро▓், роЕродிро▓் рокро▓ рооுро░рог்рокாроЯுроХро│ைроХ் роХрог்роЯிро░ுрок்рокாро░்роХро│்.  (роЪூро░ா роЕрои்роиிро╕ா, ро╡роЪройроо் 82)

"роОро▓்ро▓ாрок் рокுроХро┤ுроо், роирой்ро▒ிропுроо் роЕро▓்ро▓ாро╣்ро╡ுроХ்роХே роЙро░ிрод்родாроХுроХ, роЕро╡рой் родрой் роЕроЯிропாро░ுроХ்роХு (рооுро╣роо்роородு) ро╡ேродрод்родை (роХுро░்роЖрой்) роЗро▒роХ்роХி, роЕродிро▓் роОрои்род ро╡роХ்роХிро░род்родைропுроо் ро╡ைроХ்роХро╡ிро▓்ро▓ை."  (роЪூро░ா роЕро▓்-роХро╣்роГрок், ро╡роЪройроо் 1)

роОро▓்ро▓ாроо் ро╡ро▓்ро▓ роЕро▓்ро▓ாро╣்ро╡ிроЯрооிро░ுрои்родு роиாроо் рокெро▒்ро▒ рокொроХ்роХிро╖род்родை (роХுро░்роЖрой்) роЕро░ுро│ாроХро╡ுроо் роХро░ுрогைропாроХро╡ுроо் роородிрок்рокிроЯுроЩ்роХро│்.

роХுро░்роЖройை роЪро░ிропாрой рооுро▒ைропிро▓் роУродро╡ுроо் рооройройроо் роЪெроп்ропро╡ுроо் роЕро▓்ро▓ாро╣் роироороХ்роХு роЙродро╡ுро╡ாройாроХ.  роЖрооீрой்.

Monday, May 1, 2023



1. Whenever your baby yawns, use your hand to
cover his tiny mouth.

2. Recite the "ruqyah: on your baby the same way, the Prophet Muhammad (Sallalahu Alaehi Wassalam) recited on Hassan and Hussein (Radia-Allahu anhuma).

3. Always dust the baby's cot before laying him/her on it, for you don't know what is on the bed!

4.Try to play Qur'anic recitations with your phones or other gadgets so that the baby can be hearing it and get accustomed to it.

5. Don't put your baby's picture on social networks, the evil eye is real.

6. Don't even snap your baby in the first place, it's medically confirmed that it may blinden their tender eyes.

7. Protect your baby with "adhkaar" before giving him/her to visitors to carry!

8. Your baby may need prophetic medicines like "zaytun: and "zaffron."

9. When teaching your baby how to talk, frequently say: "Allah, "Allah." Perhaps his/her first word may be the name of his/her Lord, before he even says: mama or papa.

10. The circumcision and shaving of the baby's hair should be done on the 7th day!

11. Do not put the baby in a hot or cold atmosphere, but a warm one (warm is not the same as hot - hot is terrible harmful/hurtful and can cause burns).

12. When he sneezes, don't say "yarhamuka-Allah, rather you should say "baraka'Allahu feekum."

13. Always lay him/her on the right side so that he will grow up being used to it!

14. It is not every time a baby is crying and in hot temperatures that you rush him/her to the hospital at - times you have to do "ruqyah" Islamic (first-aid) on him/her first.

15. Do not raise your kids with cartoons. It's really a bad idea.

16. Kids who memorized the Qur'an at the age of 7 years were not brought up with movies, music or video games!

17. Teach your baby things like (A is for Allah, B is for Bismillah) before teaching him/her  that (A is for Alpha or Apple and B is for Bravo or ball.)

18. Don't let any visitor address your female child as "my wife" jokingly. Marriage is one of the 3 things that is haram to joke with!

19. Don't raise your kids with "fear" by scaring them to stop crying or else masquerade will catch them. When there is no masquerade at all, don't inculcate fear into them by exposing them to scary movies. That's why we have so many cowards today!

20. Rather than fill your kids with moonlight tales of tortoise and rat, fill them with the stories from the "Seerah" of the "Salaf."

NB: Not all of them are sunnah practices.

May Allah grant us the "hikmah" (knowledge and understanding) to raise our kids.....Aamiin

-) Jazaakallaahu Khairan for reading

Islamic divorce.

Islamic divorce.

• Introduction

Marriage in Islam is a solemn covenant, a God-given blessing, and a means of expressing love and compassion.

Islam tolerates divorce in view of the imperfections of human nature. While the continuity of marriage is taken for granted, it does not exclude the other possibility. People’s hearts and minds change over time for different reasons. An outright prohibition would have meant we are living in an “ideal” world devoid of deficiencies. Such a prohibition would be incompatible with the Islamic ideology which prescribes only what is humanly attainable. The change may be unavoidable and lead to alienation between spouses and thus defeat the purpose of marriage. The Quran refers to grounds for divorce in this context. If the spouses may not be able to observe the limits set by Allah or implement His laws of marital life, then a divorce may be negotiated. Divorce is generally resorted to when marital life becomes impossible and there is little chance of reconciliation.

In the event of disputes between the spouses, the Quran has specified certain preliminary steps such as talk together in a kind manner to settle the disputes and sustain the marriage. If these preliminary steps fail, an effort must be made to resolve the dispute by arbitration:

“If you fear a breach between them (husband and wife) appoint a judge from his family and judge from her family, if they both (arbitrators) wish for peace, Allah will cause their reconciliation. Allah is All-Knowing, the Most Great.” (Quran 4:35)

When all effort towards reconciliation fail and there is no prospect whatsoever of reconciliation, then in such an event the husband may exercise his right of divorce as an instrument of last resort.

Divorce is defined as ‘dissolution of marriage’ and is mentioned in the Quran and Sunnah. Since marriage is a contract, divorce is seen as dissolution of that contract and deemed to certain conditions.

• Categories of Divorce According to Five Rulings

1. Obligatory
Divorce becomes obligatory when there is unbearable harm, usually on part of the wife.

2. Disliked
Divorce done without a pressing necessity is disliked. It is not allowed for a husband to divorce his wife if there is no good reason because it results in harm, stress, and emotional pain which is forbidden.

3. Permissible
Divorce is lawful when a marriage fails to realize its objectives.

4. Recommended
A husband is recommended to resort to divorce if the wife does not adhere to her basic religious duties, in cases of negligence to Allah’s rights, or in cases of infidelity.

5. Forbidden
By scholarly consensus, divorce is forbidden during a woman’s menstrual period or the interval between a woman’s cycles in which they have enjoyed sexual intercourse.

• Several conditions must be met before a divorce can be “pronounced” by the husband:

a) The husband must be sane, conscious, alert, and free from excessive anger. If he acts under the influence of intoxications, his divorce is invalid according to some jurists.

b) He must be free of external pressures. If he pronounces the divorce against his will, i.e. being under pressure, the pronouncement is void.

c) There must be a clear intention on his part to terminate the marriage.

d) Divorce must be given in the period of purity. The marriage contract cannot be cancelled at any time at the arbitrary will of the husband. The Quran state, ‘When you divorce women, divorce them at their prescribed periods.’ (Quran 65:1) The ‘prescribed periods’ referred to in the verse means the period of purity in which sexual relations have not taken place. The benefit of prescribing a fixed time is that the possibility of reconciliation remains, tempers may cool, and normal life may be restored in the period.

• Iddah or ‘Waiting Period

The concept of ‘waiting period’ will become clearer in the second lesson. For now, please understand the different types of iddah.

1. A woman who experiences menstruation, the mandatory period of waiting is three cycles: ‘And divorced women shall wait for three menstrual periods.’ (Quran 2:228)

2. Women who have passed the age of monthly cycles, shall wait for a period of three months: ‘And those of your women who have passed the age of monthly courses, their prescribed period if they have doubt is three months, and for those (minors) who have no courses (it is the same).’ (Quran 65:4)

3. In the case of pregnant women, the ‘waiting period’ is until delivery of the child: ‘The period of pregnant women is until they deliver their burdens.’ (Quran 65:4)

• Correct Manner of Giving Divorce (Talaq)

1. A clear divorce with the words, ‘I divorce you,’ or ‘You are divorced,’ given by the husband to the wife in the period of purity in which sexual intercourse has not taken place.  The husband is forbidden to say, ‘You are divorced three times,’ or repeat ‘You are divorced’ three times.

Also, the husband can divorce in writing (through a text message or whatsapp message) with the intention of divorce.

After the pronouncement, the wife is allowed to complete the period of iddah which differs in the case of different women. 

This form of divorce does not terminate the marriage completely much less does it entail any resentment or cruelty.  She may not be evicted from the home, nor should she leave it, unless she had committed a crime of indecency.  The husband is obliged to keep her in the same house and provide her adequately as she was provided before divorce for the duration of the probationary “waiting period.”

2. After pronouncing the divorce, the husband is entitled to return to his wife in the sense of resuming normal conjugal relations before the expiration of her iddah. This “return” does not require a marriage ceremony or a new nikah.  The basis for ‘returning’ is in the Quran: “And their husbands are best entitled to take them back.” (Quran 2:228)
“And take two witnesses endued with justice from among you.” (Quran 65:2)

3. Upon the expiration of the iddah (the waiting period), the wife is free to remarry.  She can remarry her previous husband with a new nikah (a new marriage contract) or she may marry another man.

4. It is better that the pronouncement of divorce in step 1 is mentioned to two witnesses so as to avoid any disputes.

5. If after pronouncing the divorce two times and ‘returning’ to the wife after each one during her iddah, the husband pronounces the divorce the third time, it is considered ‘irrevocable.’ After the third time, he cannot revoke it during the iddah and have his wife back.

• Consequences of Divorce

1. The wife is released from the marriage contract by the husband.  If he does not revoke the divorce, she is not regarded as his wife.

2. After the conclusion of the mandatory iddah (waiting period), the wife is free to marry another person.

• Khul’ – Woman’s Divorce

Muslim jurists agree in principle that certain situations related to the husband’s situation justify a wife’s request for divorce.  Long absence without knowing his whereabouts, long imprisonment, refusal to financially provide for the wife, severe poverty, and impotence are major reasons under which a wife may seek legal release from her marriage.  Another set of circumstances which may involve either spouse is desertion, serious chronic illness, insanity, deceptive misrepresentation at the conclusion of the marriage contract, mistreatment, and moral laxity.  If either spouse is involved in any of these situations, the other may justifiably seek divorce or annulment.  In short, a husband cannot compel a woman to live with a man she dislikes.

Islam has given the right of talaq (divorce) to the husband who can exercise this right in case of necessity and with certain conditions.  What if the woman is tormented, abused, and suffers from ill-treatment? What if a woman begins to dislike her husband due to his physical appearance, bad treatment, religious incompatibility, or aging? What recourse does she have? She can ask her husband to divorce her.  She can return him the dowry and ask for khul’ (termination).  Khul’ without compensation is valid.  The essence of khul’ is the desire on part of the woman to end the marriage and separate from her husband.

“But if you fear that they may not be able to abide by the bounds set by Allah, there is no blame on either of them is she returns what has been given.” (Quran 2:229)

In case of khul’, the woman has to wait (iddah) for one menstrual period after khul’.  During this period, the husband cannot take her back.  After her iddah, she is free to remarry.  If she wants to go back to her husband at a later date and he wants that too, they can remarry with a new marriage contract and a new dowry if they believe they can keep the limits ordained by Allah.

If he refuses to let her go, she has recourse to an Islamic court (if there is one) or a similar entity and demand that her marriage be dissolved.  They have the authority to annul or dissolve the marriage.  Some Muslim minority countries like India and Singapore allow Muslims to settle such matters in religious courts with limited jurisdiction.  If you live in a country where one is not available, please consult a religious authority, scholar, or imam for consultation.